Videoteka: Depth of Speed: My Church

Puiki Datsunų entuziasto iš Amerikos Allan’o istorija apie jo susipažinimą ir meilę Datsun automobiliams, ypač 510 modeliui. Verta pažiūrėti!


Grassroots video tiesiai iš Naujosios Zelandijos. Riverside yra old school japoniškų mašinų mylėtojai ir kaip patys save pristato: 1980s Japan Street Racer Style. Low Down is Best.

Videoteka: JDM Legends Restored

In our most captivating Depth of Speed episode to date, Josh Clason visits with JDM Legends’ Eric Bizek. The passion and love of Bizek towards vintage Japanese cars is all too apparent. He delves deep into the quality and craftsmanship of the cars as well as his own personal restoration process. While the contemporary iteration of the Skyline, the GT-R has gained massive praise for its engineering, let we not forget the past and where it all started.

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